Money and Miracles with Emily King
Welcome to the Money & Miracles podcast, with me - your host - Emily King! I’ve helped women go from kitchen table businesses to multi-millions, and I’m on a mission to help more people like YOU do the same. Each week I’ll be bringing you a dose of business & money mindset, with a side of “woo”, so you can go out into the world and - *cliche alert* - live your best life. Let’s take the taboo out of talking money, and start normalizing living extraordinary lives with the Money and Miracles podcast! Follow me on Instagram @emilyking.ca or download my manifesting meditations at www.emilyking.ca
Money and Miracles with Emily King
**Special Release** LIMITED TIME Meditation for Allowing Miracles & Letting Go
This is a special edition, limited podcast episode where I guide you through a meditation to help you allow more miracles and release what's no longer yours to carry. It will come down on April 15th so listen to it while it's available!
And make sure to sign up for the "It's Spiritual To Be Rich" workshop happening on Thursday, April 11th. It's FREE to sign up and a replay will be available for 48 hours.
Sign Up Here: https://emilyking.kartra.com/page/spiritual
Hello, welcome back to the Money Miracles podcast with myself, emily King, your Money Mindset coach, your business mentor and, in particular, today we are highlighting an aspect of the work that I do that I love, which is being a meditation guide for you and hosting a meditation for you to help give you a transformational experience. So let me give a little backup and then we're going to dive into the meditation. So let me give a little backup and then we're going to dive into the meditation now. Side note this meditation is only going to be available for a week, so I might make it a paid thing afterwards. I don't know, maybe it'll just come down and I'll save it for another time. But get it while it's hot, listen to it this week while it's still here.
Speaker 1:But here's the kind of backstory behind it Is last week I was doing my own meditation and I heard in the meditation it wasn't yours to carry to begin with. And it hit me where I was like, oh my God, like the meditation was all about the universe has your back and releasing the burden and all that kind of stuff and trusting the process. And hearing those words it wasn't yours to carry to begin with was just like this huge wake up moment that I had to bring and share to the masses, because how many of us and I'm sure every single person here listening can raise their hand and say I am carrying too much. I'm carrying other people's emotions, I'm carrying to-do lists that I don't even need to be doing. I'm carrying other people's emotions. I'm carrying to-do lists that I don't even need to be doing. I'm carrying other people's responsibilities. I'm carrying all the things right and we need to just pause and go what belongs to me and what can I set free? So with that, here's my promise for you with this meditation. This meditation is about 10 minutes long and I want you to get comfortable, get yourself in a quiet space. You can do this before you go to bed. You can do this in the morning, you can do this midday, whenever you have that moment of pause. But here's what I can promise to you is that when you do this meditation, by the end of it you're going to feel connected, you're going to feel calm. You're going to feel connected, you're going to feel calm, you're going to feel probably some peace in your heart and a sense of release.
Speaker 1:Now, before we dive into this meditation, I want to say this as well, is that in the meditation, I guide you to notice what's in your metaphorical backpack. What are you carrying around that's not yours? And I want to say this sometimes, when we're in meditation and I ask a question like that, our brains can try to get the answer. You know what I mean. It's like what am I carrying? Is it this? Is it that? Don't worry about actually getting the answer. If you get a vision or a sound or a knowing of what, it is great. If you get nothing at all, that's also great, because just trust and know that your intuition is doing the work, and just the intention of doing this meditation alone is going to set the stage for you to have an energetic release, to have that reset.
Speaker 1:So, without further ado, get yourself comfortable and enjoy this meditation, with your legs uncrossed, your eyes gently closed, your spine feeling nice and tall, feeling open through the front of your body. Allow yourself just to notice your breath. I'm not trying to change it, just notice it. Allow yourself to breathe in nice and deeply and exhale completely. With every breath you take, allow it to relax you even deeper, letting every muscle in your face, your forehead, your eyes, your cheeks, your jaw, your chin, relax and melt away your throat, release any tension, feeling open your shoulders, gently creating space between your ears, down each of your arms, feeling nice and light, imagining a white light pouring down each of your arms, out through all your fingertips, and let the next inhale bring a white light down through your heart center, letting it just pause there for a moment, letting that white light cleanse any stale energy. And then that white light gently massages all the internal organs, almost like it's wrapping it with a warm hug, almost like it's wrapping it with a warm hug and allowing that white light just to pause at the base of your spine as you feel nice and tall, nice and open and relaxed. And then letting that white light pour down each of your legs, your left leg, your right leg, down through the thighs, the knees, the crease behind your knees, wrapping around your calves, your ankles, and then finally making its way down to the base of your feet and out through your toes and let whatever body part of yours is touching the earth is touching the ground, feel grounded and feel connected, feel certain and feel strength, knowing that it got you the space that you're held in right now. It's holding you, you're protected and you're safe.
Speaker 1:And now notice for a moment what's in your backpack, so to speak. What are you carrying around that's not even yours to begin with? What are you carrying around that's not even yours to begin with? Allow your mind, your intuition, to guide you to perhaps any visions you might see, any feelings, any sensations, maybe even any sounds that you hear. Wherever your intuition guides you is perfect. So, tuning in to that energetic backpack that we all carry, I want you to notice the shape of it and, most importantly, I want you to notice where do you feel the weight of carrying what's no longer yours, where do you feel that in your body? And notice for a moment, get curious about it, without judgment, just pure curiosity.
Speaker 1:Open up that backpack, however, is comfortable to you. Open up that backpack and, one by one, notice the elements or the articles that you're carrying, maybe the people, the situations, the feelings that you're carrying. Maybe the people, the situations, the feelings that you're carrying, just laying it out in front of you, one by one, by one, and taking a step back away from it, from it, and as you breathe here, I want you to imagine that there's a really cozy, comforting bonfire just a few feet away from all those things that you lay out in front of you. It, it draws you in, it feels comforting and you sit alongside it. And this fire gives you the ability to burn away what no longer serves you, what no longer belongs to you, not from a place of not caring anymore, but knowing that you don't need to carry it anymore, that there's certain things in life that, no matter how hard you try to carry the burden carrying the burden for things that don't belong to you or things that you can pass along to the universe, pass along to God, to source gives you the release that you desire. So, whenever you're ready, and in your own time, gently walk over to the items in the backpack you're ready to release and, one by one, place them in the bonfire, allowing the flames to burn it away, allowing it to eventually burn it down, down down into ashes.
Speaker 1:And taking a deep breath in and exhaling and I want you to take three deep breaths, one more slowly than the other. With each breath, you allow the full release and you release the how, letting God take over, letting source, letting universe work its magic and hold your hand. So feel the presence of something greater than you come alongside you, wrapping you with an energetic hug, an energetic space of support, of holding you, knowing and telling you I got you, I got you and much like. We might not know how things, common day things like electricity or Wi-Fi work. We just trust in it, we use it, we plug into it. We just trust in it, we use it, we plug into it. We don't go around turning off the lights just because we don't understand how it works. We allow the light to shine, knowing that we don't need to know, the how.
Speaker 1:Our only job is to trust and see the beauty and turn it on is to trust and see the beauty and turn it on, and when we allow, we get to plug into a source far greater than we could have ever imagined. We get to plug into a destiny, dreams, visions, releasing the how, surrendering and feeling grounded and centered. So saying to yourself now I am connected to the source of all things, which means I can allow anything. I can allow anything. I can plug into the current. I can plug into the current. I can plug into the current sea, the vibration. I receive the light and I allow myself simply to receive.
Speaker 1:I'm releasing my resistance to ease. I'm releasing my resistance to ease, I'm releasing my resistance to abundance, I'm releasing the need to do it all and I simply allow. Thank you God, thank you universe, thank you source. And so it is, and so it is Breathing in and exhaling, giving yourself a moment here now to come back into the room, come back into your body, taking a deep breath in and release, and whenever you're ready, you can open your eyes. Okay, welcome back. I hope you enjoyed that meditation. Once again, it's going to come down in a week, so make sure to come back to this and listen to this for this week, but I also want to share that this coming Thursday, april 11th, we have a special workshop called Spiritual to Be Rich.
Speaker 1:I'm going to link it up in the show notes so you can sign up. It's completely free and there will be a 48 hour replay. So if you can't join us live, that is totally okay. But if you do join us live, there's going to be special giveaways and obviously you'll be able to chat with me and we'll have some Q&A at the end of the call. So that's it for today. Let me know how you enjoyed this meditation and, in the meantime, bye for now.