![[Ep 95] Tuning into your intuition & alignment + *SPECIAL* meditation Artwork](https://www.buzzsprout.com/rails/active_storage/representations/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBCR2IwNVFZPSIsImV4cCI6bnVsbCwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--713a5c3357c9208294e1c65a276abd0522f9555f/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdDVG9MWm05eWJXRjBPZ2hxY0djNkUzSmxjMmw2WlY5MGIxOW1hV3hzV3docEFsZ0NhUUpZQW5zR09nbGpjbTl3T2d0alpXNTBjbVU2Q25OaGRtVnlld1k2REhGMVlXeHBkSGxwUVRvUVkyOXNiM1Z5YzNCaFkyVkpJZ2x6Y21kaUJqb0dSVlE9IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJ2YXJpYXRpb24ifX0=--1924d851274c06c8fa0acdfeffb43489fc4a7fcc/2024%20Money%20&%20Miracles%20Podcast%20Cover.jpg)
Money and Miracles with Emily King
Welcome to the Money & Miracles podcast, with me - your host - Emily King! I’ve helped women go from kitchen table businesses to multi-millions, and I’m on a mission to help more people like YOU do the same. Each week I’ll be bringing you a dose of business & money mindset, with a side of “woo”, so you can go out into the world and - *cliche alert* - live your best life. Let’s take the taboo out of talking money, and start normalizing living extraordinary lives with the Money and Miracles podcast! Follow me on Instagram @emilyking.ca or download my manifesting meditations at www.emilyking.ca
Money and Miracles with Emily King
[Ep 95] Tuning into your intuition & alignment + *SPECIAL* meditation
If you've been wanting feel more connected to your intuition, this is the episode for you! Ever wondered if you could train your intuition just like a muscle? This episode of the Money and Miracles podcast is all about connecting with your inner guidance and living an aligned life.
Spoiler alert: I was once a skeptic! But a year-long energy healing training helped me realize that everyone has intuitive abilities waiting to be unlocked.
We explore the practical steps in this episode to nurture your intuition + a meditation practice that’s become my go-to method for reconnecting with inner wisdom.
Whether you’re a newbie or looking to deepen your practice, this episode will give you invaluable insights and inspiration to achieve clarity and empowerment.
Links mentioned:
POP-UP Coaching: Schedule your session here (1 spot left!): https://calendly.com/emilyking/coaching-45
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Hello rich woman, and welcome back to what is our special live podcasts for the month of June. I am loving doing podcasts this way, just because I get to like interact with you guys in real time. So it's been a lot of fun for me. Hope you're enjoying it as well for those of you showing up live and engaging and asking questions and being part of that energy. So today the podcast or the live stream that we did, was all about connecting with your intuition and alignment. We had a brief little technical glitch so we kind of end the discussion about it and jump right into the meditation. So don't mind the little like abrupt shift into the meditation. The awesome thing is is that if you want to come back to this meditation at any time, this podcast will be there. So you can just skip to the last like 10-ish minutes of the podcast and that's where the meditation will begin. This is an incredible meditation that I personally come back to over and over and over again to connect with my intuition. It's so powerful, so I know that you're going to love it. Quick reminder that in the month of June we do have our pop-up coaching sessions, so if you'd like to book in a single coaching session with me. I'll drop the link to do that in the show notes. There is one spot left for June, so who's going to get the last spot, I don't know, but I've been having a lot of fun with these single sessions and so if you have been intrigued and want to work with me and have that power hour, if you will for yourself to really get that clarity, that energetic shift, all that goodness, then click the link or reach out if you have any questions about it. So, without further ado, let's dive into the training. So, without further ado, let's dive into the training. Hello and welcome to the Money and Miracles podcast with me, emily King. We call ourselves Rich Women over here because we are all about living the rich woman life inside and out. We take the taboo out of talking money and we say yes to our desires, and each week I'll be bringing you a dose of money, mindset and relatable life stories so you can go out into the world and live your best freaking life. Let's do this. Rich Woman, this is something I'm so passionate about because I have had the contrast in my past of feeling like I had no intuition. So while people are hopping on, I'll give a quick story. Back in 2012, 2013, maybe, I had been working with a life coach and she happened to be a psychic as well. Um, I wasn't going to her for psychic work, I was just going to her for her coaching. So I, uh, I was working with this woman and then she offered this training Maybe it was 20, it was 2013. Um, it was all about energy healing and I actually went one day to be a volunteer, uh, for someone that I knew. And I go to this training and they're doing this work where I'm just sitting there as a volunteer and they're reading my energy and telling me what they're feeling, what's coming up, and I was like this is the coolest thing I've ever like witnessed, been a part of. And it was just like that. Like how, how do I become a part of this? And I don't know about you guys, but I was like how you would feel. And I don't know about you guys, but I was like how you would feel, but I was sitting there going like no way can I, no way can I just sit in front of someone and feel their energy, tell them what's coming up, like do intuitive, slash, psychic work? Like no way, anywho, but this, this little like something within me, was like you got to sign up for this. So long story, long, story long. I connect with the coach that's leading this year long training and I say I want to sign up for this course, this training. I did the whole year long training and I resisted it so much. I was like I don't have an intuition, I don't have the psychic ability, I can't do this. And my coach and trainer just kept being like you have the gift, keep going, all of us have it. It's just like a muscle to develop. Anyhow, all that to say, it went incredible. I did discover I had wildly cool intuitive abilities. Um, wildly cool intuitive abilities. And fast forward to today, and just yesterday I was talking to a client and, out of nowhere, I channeled a family member for them and I was like, okay, this is totally random, but here's what's coming up, here's a sign you need to look for. I won't get into it because it's obviously personal, private details, but, um, that's where we are today, where you know, spirit comes through me now, um, and tells me messages. So it's pretty freaking cool. And I know Tracy was saying I would love that. So, tracy, consider this your sign that you, if you feel that you haven't opened up to that, this is your sign that you're here for a reason and everyone here listening, watching all that kind of stuff whether you're on the replay or listening on the podcast you're here for a reason, because your guides guided you here to be like hello. We would like you to start to pay attention to us all that goodness. So I'm going to get into a little bit about how you can tap into your intuition. What is alignment? What's this alignment thing all about? But, most importantly, at the end of this, I don't want you to just get this on a logical level, on a theoretical level. I want you to get it on like a visceral, cellular level of like, oh, like, that's my intuition. So I'm actually going to guide you through a meditation and it might be about 10 minutes or so. So you will want to, at the time, get cozy, because this isn't something that you want to be distracted with and you know you can't kind of half-ass the meditation, because you are going to be connecting with your intuition. So if you've got like kids around or you know noise and all that kind of stuff, when we get to it, um, you know. Close the door, lock yourself away for a few minutes and we'll we'll do an actual experience of you connecting with your intuition. Sound good, we excited for that, okay? So first of all, let's just talk about what is alignment Like. Let's set the stage what is alignment? And whilst there's, you know, my own definition of it I actually don't want to answer that for you I want you to tell me in the comments what does alignment feel like to you. And while you're doing that, here's what I do want to offer, because alignment is going to be different for everyone and how you've experienced it in the past. How you're doing that, here's what I do want to offer, because alignment is going to be different for everyone, and how you've experienced it in the past. How are you going to experience it in the future, what it feels like for you. So I, who am I here, you know to sit and say this is what alignment is, but here's what I will say it it isn't is, it is. So I literally looked up, like Google, like what's the opposite of alignment, and many definitions came up, one, two, actually. In particular, that that caught my eye was disorder and disagreement, and I love the second one in particular, disagreement, because quite recently, a couple months ago, I went through something really, really challenging and I was in this disagreement with life and you might want to write this down. But when we're not in alignment, we are resisting what is. We are resisting what is Because here's the false illusion of what alignment is. I think people out there in the spiritual world and self-help world and if you follow Abraham Hicks, you know all about you know being in the right energy and all that kind of stuff and all that stuff is wonderful. But I think there's this misconception out there and this false notion that if you are in a challenging time, if you are going through something difficult, there's this false belief that it means that you are misaligned, it means that you're missing the mark, it means that you're not connected to your intuition, it means that you've done something wrong and more times than not, we need to give ourselves A a hell of a lot more grace. B much more patience than we're giving ourselves. And C compassion. And if we could give ourselves those three ingredients grace, patience, compassion we would realize that we're actually not in misalignment at all. We're in a dark night of the soul, so to speak. That is intentionally planted there Because, just like many things in nature and in life, you know, if you plant a seed, it goes down into the darkness for a bit, because it's meant to. It needs to go into that darkness. Just like I'm pregnant right now. Most of you know, this little baby in me is in a dark womb. Right now. There's no light in there. It can just kind of feel and kind of sense what's going on, but it's darkness in there. That's where all life begins, kind of sense what's going on, but it's darkness in there. That's where all life begins. And so when you're in the darkness, so to speak, realize that this, this perceived breakdown, is preceding an incredible breakthrough for you. So that's what I had to keep reminding myself of last month when I was in this darkness, so to speak. I was going you know, this is all meant to be, and if I resist, what is? I'm going to be here for a really long time. So I accept it, I welcome it, I invite it, I love it Right, which my ego did not like. My ego was like we, girl, we ain't loving this Right, we are not going to love this. So how is that resonating with you guys? And Erica, great, you got the kids gone, you're ready for the meditation? Perfect, how's that resonating with you? So let's move into. Okay, we know that alignment isn't or sorry, it is resisting what is. Know that alignment isn't or sorry, it is resisting what is right. But how you actually feel it, get into it, that's up to you. You know, that's kind of your own inner compass, if you will. Oh, thanks, erica. So let's get into a bit of practical applications of alignment and intuition and then we're going to do our meditation and I'm keeping an eye on the time because I don't want to have us here any longer than a half hour. So, alignment here's a here's a big problem and I'm guilty of this many a times is raise your hand or give a little like emoji or something in the comments If you are waiting for alignment, right, you think like alignment, you're just like it's going to come, like you're just kind of sitting in the same old, same old, right, maybe not right now, but maybe you have in the past and been like like, literally like God, where are you? You know, I shared that story the other day where I felt so disconnected from God, intuition, universe, and I was standing in my bathroom and I was like universe, I don't hear you, like what is going on. And then then I heard this voice from the universe go, I don't hear you either, right? So here's the problem with alignment is that we wait for alignment, but I want you to get this right now, and you'll experience this in just a moment is alignment is always available to us, just like that. Just like that and I'm going to prove it to you. I want you to, if you can, if it's safe, to close your eyes for a moment and just breathe, like, really take a nice breath and notice for a moment how your breath is, like a faithful friend. It's always there, always there. You don't have to question it. Whenever you need to take a deep breath which calms the nervous system, which helps ground you, which helps bring you back to your center, you can. You can take a deep breath in and you can take a deep breath out. And if there's what feels like a lot of thoughts going on, I just want you to imagine them like floating by, like clouds in the sky, just going on by and coming back to your breath and think about one thing from your past Just that was just so wonderful, so beautiful, something that you can be really, really grateful for Anything at all. It could be something that happened just a few days ago or many years ago. Just think about something or even someone you love so dearly and breathe with that feeling and then, whenever you're ready, you can open your eyes. Okay, so how'd that feel? Right, that took maybe 60 seconds for us to do boom, alignment. You didn't have to wait for it. You didn't have to wait for the weather to change. You didn't have to wait for this person to call you. You didn't have to wait for this person to call you. You didn't have to wait for a new job. Boom, we got some hearts going. You got it right there. So alignment is available to you in any given moment. The ego would have you believe that you need to wait. The ego would have you believe that, yeah, like how many of you right now? Like you know, honestly, the ego's like yeah, I know you felt that just then, but like you know, it didn't last. Like you, you're back to normal. You know, quote, unquote normal. Now, right, see how quick the ego can be. Like, yeah, it doesn't really count. It does, it, does it? Does these moments add up? Okay, Good, erica said I love that so much. Amazing, amazing, amazing. So a quick little switch and I caught myself the other day. I was on a walk and I realized I'm like Emily, like I've been doing this work for a decade now. I realized I was like, oh my God, I've been trying to, like I've been future projecting a vision that I don't want, like I've been trying to come up with solutions for a vision that I don't want of being like, well, this isn't going to work out. So, because it's not going to work out, I need to do X, y, z, and that felt like crap. You know that didn't feel good and I like to say our feelings are our best compass, right, if something doesn't feel good, um, give or take, you know this is, you know, use, a correct context. But you know, in that case, that walking, being like, oh, you know I got to do that, do that it's like, ah, isn't that my intuition, perhaps telling me like hello, like there's another option out there available for you. So when we're feeling misaligned, it's because you're focusing on what's not working. And here's also a quick solution is to ask yourself what can I switch my focus to? Some sneaky little linguistic hacks for you is is to ask yourself questions that presume it's going to work out. So you, you kind of lead yourself with questions like when, um, when I have I don't even know, like when I host a workshop and I feel so great about it, I'm going to celebrate in the following ways you know, you assume you're going with the assumption it's going to work out, and so you lead yourself with when this happens. Or, um, because I'm fully surrendered and know that God is always on my side, I now can feel XYZ, right. I now can feel calm, I now can feel surrendered. I now can feel love. I now can feel blah, blah, blah, right. You set yourself up in a kind of brain hack way to get into that alignment, make sense. So I have a nice journal prompt for you there that I'm going to share with you and you can write down and um journal on it. You know, after we're done this tonight, tomorrow, whenever you like it is this If I had complete faith and trust that all my desires were taken care of, I would feel what. So I'll repeat it again If I had complete faith and trust that all my desires were taken care of, I would feel what. So, once again, that's a little shift, even if your ego is like, well, okay, you can feel that right now, but like five minutes when you're done journaling, we're going to go back to normal. Whatever it is, that's okay. Ego can have its say. But if I had complete faith and trust that all my desires were taken care of, I would feel, you know, in this very moment, I would feel what. So go there, go there, go there, sound good? There's this incredible Abraham Hicks quote, quote that I love and I'm going to paraphrase here where she says essentially, you can have anything you want from anywhere you are in life, but you must stop talking about what you do not like about where you are. So I'll repeat you can have anything you desire, you can have anything you want in life from where you are, but you must stop talking about what you do not like about where you are Right. So we're going to do this little quick exercise and talk about intuition and then, like I said, we're going to actually experience it in just a moment. So what I want you to do is I'd like you to notice, like, and you can literally hold your hand up in front of you for a moment, and I want you to notice your hand, notice the temperature in your hand. Is it hot? Mine's actually kind of clammy. Is it clammy? Is it cold? Is it hot? Mine's actually kind of clammy. Is it clammy? Is it cold? Is it just kind of like room temperature, if you will, and even notice, like, even without looking at it, just sensations in it. Is there like any pins and needles tingling? Is it itchy? What's the sensation in your, in your finger, in your fingers, your hand and your palm? Okay, good, so I assume all of you witnessed something about your hand. Just then, correct, like, did all you guys notice the temperature in your hand just then? Yes, I assume. Yes, if didn't, we have other issues to discuss. Okay, so was it that your hand wasn't there before? No, was it that you couldn't feel? You don't have the capacity to feel the temperature in your hand? No, you only didn't notice the temperature in your hand. No, you only didn't notice the temperature in your hand, like five minutes ago, perhaps because your attention, your awareness wasn't on it, correct, as soon as I said, all right, let's see what the temperature in your hand is, let's notice the sensation in it your brain went okay, let's do that, and it did it, correct, right, give a heart if that's, do that. And it did it, correct, right, give a heart if that's, if that's resonating. So I give that example and that literal, like you know, experience of it, because this is how intuition works. Your intuition, this alignment, your guides are always there. We just have to do that tuning in and that noticing and that witnessing. Just like you know, if we move into your toes right now, into your feet, my feet are cold, right, I now am aware of that because I just said, okay, let's, let's pay attention to my feet. What do my feet feel like? And so, when we bring awareness to it, we can interact with it, we can become in tune with it. Interact with it, we can become in tune with it, in tune. Intuition right, that's an easy way to like to kind of think of intuition is in tune, tuning into something right, and all of us have it. So to kind of give you some guidance with this is I want to introduce you to, if you're not familiar, the four clairs. Okay, and I don't mean human clairs, I mean the psychic clairs, and that's not to freak you out if, like, saying the word psychic, you know, weirds you out. All of us have these. You can think of these as like the four intuitive senses, if you will, and they are the following Clairvoyance, where you see images in your mind's eye, or maybe you notice, like repeating numbers, or you notice visual cues in your physical environment. There's clairaudience, where you hear things, and not in a weird, creepy way like I'm hearing voices, but like you know when you read a book and you can hear the character in your mind. Right, similar kind of thing. Right, it can be very direct, short and sweet, could be one word what have you? There's claircognizance, which is just simply a knowing, where you know that. You know that you know something right, you don't know why you know it, but you know it. And last but not least, is clairsentience. It's the feeling, it's the feeling gift that you have, where perhaps you can pick up on. If somebody's sick, then you literally feel their ailment within you. You can feel the energy of a room. You have a strong gut instinct about something right, everyone, here, have all of you had some experience with any of those clairs? And it's a bit of a trick question, because the answer is yes. And here's the question that a lot of people ask is okay. Do people only get one, like, how do these Claire's work Right? Um, and just like anything in life, just like gifts, you know, if somebody's really musically talented or someone's really good at math or someone's really good at football, whatever it might be, everyone can, you know, relatively speaking, kick a soccer ball. Right, my husband can kick a soccer ball way better than me, right? But I'm not going to go play in a soccer league because I'm not great at soccer. It doesn't mean I can't get good at soccer, it just means I have no desire to. So, with the four players, we all have them to some degree, some stronger than others, and with time and practice and tuning in, they can get better and better. Right, just like I was sharing the story at the beginning of this live stream where I did this training, this year-long training, where I thought I had zero ability, intuitive ability, and then by the end of it I was seeing things, hearing things, feeling things, all that kind of stuff. So I share that because, with your intuition, start to pay attention and I won't get it, because it's a whole other training we can go into in in the actual clairs and how you develop them and all that kind of stuff. Um, but start to just pay attention to ah, I felt this thing, or I heard this, this voice, or I keep seeing blue birds everywhere. I wonder what blue birds mean and you google like spiritual meeting of blue birds. Or it could be a song on the radio where a particular lyric catches your attention and you're like, huh, that's interesting. But the key thing here is not to put it off as random. Right, that's the worst thing that we can do for intuition and getting into alignment is to brush it off as, oh well, that was just random. So I'll go back to the story from yesterday when I had a client session and we were wrapped up and I was on my way to another appointment and I kept seeing a particular sign everywhere and I won't get into it because, like I said, it's a personal thing. I kept seeing it on my drive to my appointment and I was like and I heard this voice being like you need to tell her about xyz, and I was like we're done this session. She's gonna think I'm crazy if I go back to her and say blah, blah, blah. So, anyways, I keep seeing the sign, keep seeing the sign, keep feeling it. Keep feeling it. Anyways, long story short, I go back and I share with her what I was seeing, and, sure enough, it was a sign. But I almost did the beginner's mistake of being like that's, that's random, I'm making that up, that's totally nonsensical, don't, don't say anything, just shut up. Um, so, listen to your guidance and I would recommend having here's a practical tip for you as you leave. This training is I would have a journal where you write down daily if you can remember how your intuition is showing up for you. Okay, so, did you see a sign? Did you feel a sensation? Did you have a knowing about something? Did you walk into a room and have a sense that somebody was really sad, or there's like you know you could. They were saying they were all fine, but you're like oh, there's something going on here. So you're going to get yourself comfortable. Your legs can be crossed, you can have your feet on the ground, you can lay down Whatever is most comfortable for you. I would not have your arms crossed, though. Like, have your hands not touching, and you can decide to have your palms facing up or down, whatever is most comfortable for you, and you're going to let your eyes close and start to notice your breath, just the rhythm of it in and out, and we'll tune into the body for a moment, just to relax the body deeply and completely, starting at the top of the head, where you see this beautiful golden light pouring through the top of your head, washing away any stale energy. As you breathe in, the light pours down through your head, through your throat, down the back of your neck and, when you exhale, you see this gray mist release from your mouth, releasing any stale energy and letting this golden light, as you breathe in, pour down over your shoulders, down your your biceps, your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, your hands, out through your fingertips and, as you exhale, letting that gray mist release, bringing that golden light into your heart center, just letting it release and relax, allowing you to go twice as deep with every breath you take, sinking deeper into your chair or whatever you're sitting on. With every breath you take, letting that golden light pass through all your internal organs, down the back of your spine, into your hips, down into your thighs, into your knees and then behind the knees, letting this golden light come down through your calves, around the ankles, into the heels of your feet, the arches, the balls of your feet and then seeing this light shine out through each and every toe and letting whatever is connected to the earth sink deeper and deeper with every breath you take, letting your entire body relax and you can imagine for a moment that you're on a beautiful beach. You can hear the waves as they go in and out, you notice the color of the water, you feel the texture of the sand beneath your feet, you notice the temperature and you look up and see a nice clear blue sky with the sun shining so beautifully, allowing yourself to feel so at peace, noticing any thing. You might see in the water, maybe some starfish, some sea turtles even perhaps see in the water, maybe some starfish, some sea turtles, even perhaps just so enamored with nature, hearing those waves, feeling the breeze on your skin and in the distance, at the end of the beach, see a little trail. You get curious about it, so you walk over to the trail. Then you go up the trail, one foot after another, on a nice easy incline, all the way up to the top of a trail, going up, up, up, getting to the top of the trail, taking a deep breath, in exhaling, and from the top of this trail, you find yourself at the top of a really safe mountain where you have a panoramic view of the entire landscape around you. And so you look around you, just in awe at the ocean, you see in the distance, noticing any forests you might see, and then, almost like in a magical fairy tale, this cloud approaches you. It was like a magic carpet ride and intrigues you and you know it's completely safe to get on and go for a ride. So you step up a few steps and go onto this cloud and you drift about Just enjoying the view, feeling the breeze, feeling the sun on your skin, and this cloud takes you to the perfect place for you, a place where you feel so at peace, so at ease, so grounded, until the cloud gently brings you down, down down into that place where you hop off and you walk around, reaching your hand out to notice any textures, anything you might feel, looking down at your feet as you walk around and looking up and looking around at the sights, just enjoying this peaceful, grounding, calming place. And in the distance you see a really intriguing door and noticing the shape. Maybe it has an arch to it, maybe it's a large giant barn door. Is it wooden? Is it metal? And so you approach this door, noticing even what the handle is like and it has a little slot for a key on it, and over to your right you can see the key just glistening there on the ground. So you go over, go over, you pick up the key, excited and knowing that putting this key in the door will probably unlock it and allow you to open this door to find out what's behind it and allow you to open this door to find out what's behind it. So you take this key, you approach this door, reaching your hand out, feeling the texture of the door handle in your hand, temperature, and putting that key in the door and turning it. You hear a click of the latch unlocking and so you turn the handle, excited to open the door. And you open the door and you're welcomed with open arms to meet your spirit guides and to connect with your intuition, your angels, your guides, all that beautiful energy that protects you daily. And you walk into the space, notice who you see. Maybe you feel something within you. Maybe you feel something within you. Are there any messages for you, anything written on the wall, anything of interest? To pick up an old book, a keepsake? I'm seeing who's in the room. Perhaps a keepsake? I'm seeing who's in the room. Perhaps Maybe you receive none of the above, but you just have this wonderful feeling inside of gratitude for getting to meet and interact with your guides. So I'll give you a moment there now to be with your guides. So I'll give you a moment there now to be with your guides, to receive their welcoming messages as you breathe, taking your time, taking it all in at a conscious and unconscious level, with ease, knowing that now that you've opened the door, literally and figuratively speaking, the signs are more apparent to you now when you go back into life. And so, as you wrap up this engagement with him, you close off, however, you would like, giving hugs, embracing, saying farewell, maybe leaving a note, and you make your way to the door to exit, placing that key in your pocket, wherever is safe for you, always with you so you can use that key whenever you like to open the door, to go on in. As you say goodbye, reach your hand out to open the door, gently, close it behind you, leaving the door unlocked and then walking through that beautiful, peaceful, calm place that you so love, finding your way back to the cloud waiting for you in the distance, taking a few steps up onto the cloud, the cloud gently guides you back onto the top of the mountain again and then, just making your way down the trail, one foot after the other, back down to the beach, you come back to where it all started, taking a deep breath in Exhaling, just feeling so grateful, so connected and maybe wiggling your toes, wiggling your fingers, taking a deep, refreshing breath in through the nose. And as you exhale, maybe you can stretch out, shake a, do a little shimmy and open your eyes. Coming back to now and open your eyes. Coming back to now. Okay, how is that? Any questions, thoughts, comments? Before we wrap up, oh, I will share this. I almost forgot. We do have the pop-up coaching sessions happening this month, which I never well, I shouldn't say never, I rarely do, uh, single sessions. It's normally when you work with me, we work together in a package, um. So if you are interested in having a pop-up session with me, having a one-off single session for whatever it might be, um, now is the time to do so, because at the end of this month it's going to go and then it's back to package sessions with me, like where we worked together for three, four months, what have you? So just message me if that interests you, if you want to know more, and I can send you the calendar link so you can book in. Okay, I will leave it at that. Thank you, guys, for being here, thank you for joining me live, and if you enjoyed this, you know, make sure to tell a friend to come watch the replay or go to the podcast to listen to it. Um, if you haven't already left a review on the podcast, I would totally love you for that, cause it helps out the podcast. Uh, so just go to the money miracles podcast and leave a review. Okay, have an awesome Friday everyone. Bye for now and we'll see you next week.