![[Ep 99] trusting the Universe and 5am "aha" moments Artwork](https://www.buzzsprout.com/rails/active_storage/representations/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBCR2IwNVFZPSIsImV4cCI6bnVsbCwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--713a5c3357c9208294e1c65a276abd0522f9555f/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdDVG9MWm05eWJXRjBPZ2hxY0djNkUzSmxjMmw2WlY5MGIxOW1hV3hzV3docEFsZ0NhUUpZQW5zR09nbGpjbTl3T2d0alpXNTBjbVU2Q25OaGRtVnlld1k2REhGMVlXeHBkSGxwUVRvUVkyOXNiM1Z5YzNCaFkyVkpJZ2x6Y21kaUJqb0dSVlE9IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJ2YXJpYXRpb24ifX0=--1924d851274c06c8fa0acdfeffb43489fc4a7fcc/2024%20Money%20&%20Miracles%20Podcast%20Cover.jpg)
Money and Miracles with Emily King
Welcome to the Money & Miracles podcast, with me - your host - Emily King! I’ve helped women go from kitchen table businesses to multi-millions, and I’m on a mission to help more people like YOU do the same. Each week I’ll be bringing you a dose of business & money mindset, with a side of “woo”, so you can go out into the world and - *cliche alert* - live your best life. Let’s take the taboo out of talking money, and start normalizing living extraordinary lives with the Money and Miracles podcast! Follow me on Instagram @emilyking.ca or download my manifesting meditations at www.emilyking.ca
Money and Miracles with Emily King
[Ep 99] trusting the Universe and 5am "aha" moments
Ever have those middle-of-the-night wakings? You get "downloads" and can't shut off your brain? Yep. That's what I had the other night. God had some mic-drop moments waiting for me because I was about to go into hustle mode and God had other plans.
If you feel like you're in go-go-go mode, or if you've been working your butt off...you need to listen to this episode.
Episode highlights:
- Transform your approach to hustle and burnout
- What if life isn't testing you? What if it's expanding you? During our toughest moments, spiritual presence is at its most potent, and setbacks can be reframed as opportunities for growth.
- Embrace the idea that you already possess everything needed to achieve your dreams, moving away from external validation and towards trusting your own innate capabilities.
- This episode is a heartfelt call to recognize your own strength and let the universe guide you to success.
Check out the Shift event at: jointheshift.ca
Hello rich woman, welcome back. I am so pumped to share with you this podcast episode because it was one of the 5 am downloads. So if you have no idea what I'm talking about, every now and then I get these like 5 am or they could be 2 am downloads where I literally get woken up from my sleep and if I don't write it down then by the time the morning comes I will be, I won't remember it and I'll be like damn it, what was that so? Anyways, last night was one of the 5am downloads and I know I've done podcasts before with the 5am downloads, but this podcast is going to help those of you out there who are listening, who are the entrepreneur or maybe you're not even an entrepreneur, but you are the person who is the. I got this. I can do it myself. You're the. You know, whether you like it or not, wearing the, I work hard. I work hard for my money. You work hard for your money. Badge of honor, right, and you might be a little burnt out from it. Okay, you might be like tired of it, like tired of the hustle, tired of feeling like you're playing this game that is never ending. It's like when do I just get to like the Bowser, so to speak, in Super Mario and just, like you know, crush the guy and like get my prize, kind of thing. This is for you. So I'm really excited about this 5am download to share with you. Let's do this.
Speaker 1:Hello and welcome to the Money and Miracles podcast with me, emily King. We call ourselves Rich Women over here because we are all about living the rich woman life inside and out. We take the taboo out of talking money and we say yes to our desires, and each week I'll be bringing you a dose of money, mindset and relatable life stories so you can go out into the world and live your best freaking life. Let's do this Rich Woman. Let's do this rich woman like truly a life-changing event. I was driving today and I was like I should add to the website or send an email saying like money back guarantee, because I literally believe and know in my heart of hearts that every single person that shows up to that day is always like my God, that was the best day ever and I have such certainty around that that I literally will give you your money back and twice the amount if that's what your heart desires. If you go to the event and you're like, man, that was so-so right. Literally my conviction and my confidence in the event and you having a life-changing day and experience is that certain that I will give you your money back and then some, so you can reference back this podcast if you come to the event and you're like, well, it wasn't so great. Be like Emily. You said you'd give me my money back, but if you want to check that out side note go to jointheshiftca and it's happening here in St John's, newfoundland, in my home city, and this is the third time that we'll be doing the event with a VIP evening event with a very special guest. Anyways, I won't get into that now. We're not here to talk about the shift event. We're here to talk about this download I had.
Speaker 1:But why I share about the shift event is because you know when you have like a big project or a big deal coming up and you start to get in that phase where like you're like, oh shit, we got, we got a lot to do, and not to say that I've been slacking and just sitting here like twiddling my thumbs for weeks and months we've been doing a lot. Like an event like this takes months and months and months to put together and prep and hire people and get everyone you know situated. So, but last night was one of those like, oh, wow, we got. Like we gotta like get things all like figured out before you know it's in less than six weeks. So, anyways, I had one of those moments and I think that's what also contributed to the 5 am wake up in those moments, and I think that's what also contributed to the 5 am wake up.
Speaker 1:But when I woke up, I was like, okay, let's do a little like guided meditation or something to get me back to sleep. And I could hear in my, in my like it's almost like I could hear it in my mind this particular audio. It's called the activation meditation, and I was like, all right, let's, let's listen to that one. Anyways, I started listening to it. It was a 20-minute meditation and it was like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Speaker 1:All these downloads started coming and I'm going to share with you what they were, because I was just trying to get to sleep and then, lo and behold, god had bigger plans for me and was like I got to share a few messages with you, miss Emily. So here's the core message that I got, and you can call it universe, whatever you want to call it, I'm gonna call it God. So I heard this voice say I needed to remind you to lean on me and stop trying to do everything yourself yourself Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky, sneaky universe. God right, I needed to remind you to lean on me and stop trying to do everything yourself. So what did this mean? Essentially, that was God saying can you loosen your grip on the wheel? Can you hold this a little more lightly? Can you trust that I got it Right? That would be like if us, as humans I'm sure that if we could literally have our way, we would be like God. I got it. I'm going to take care of my blood flow, my heartbeat, my breathing, my blinking, my chewing, my digestion. I got it, god, we're good. Maybe I can do it better, right? I'm sure if we had our way to those of us out there that are like I got it attitudes, we would do that if we didn't know any better, right?
Speaker 1:But all this stuff happens at an unconscious level and this miraculous body that we have, with the support of something that we can't really touch or feel or see, it just is and the same, incredible. I'm just laughing for a second here now because my dog, my poor old dog, had his teeth cleaned today and he's pretty sad about it. So he's sitting next to me coughing and whining and stuff. Anyways, the same incredible, miraculous energy that fuels our body, that fuels our blood, that fuels our life, existence, every day, is available to us for the work and the passion and the dream that we're here to fulfill, and I fully, with my whole heart, believe that you are not have the provision to see into fruition. There goes Charles again. Thank you, charles, for that moment. Charles is my dog's name, by the way, and he's a miniature dachshund, in case you were wondering. So yeah, so if God universe gives us the fuel, gives us the insight, if God universe gives us the fuel, gives us the insight, gives us the co-creation to see it happen.
Speaker 1:We have to remember that it's a partnership. We can't try to do it on our own. It's like back in grade school days. No one likes to be in a group project where they are the one doing all the work right, and I'm sure we've all experienced that, whether in grade school or university or college or what have you, where it's like you get in a group project of like four people or something and you're just kind of like rolling your eyes at like, oh, we got a slacker in the group we're gonna have to pick up. You know their workload, but we do that with the universe, which is absolute insanity in every sense of the word. Why are we trying to pick up the universe's part in the project and the collaboration when the universe is the smartest one in the group, right, when god is the most brilliant human being energy out there, right? We're trying to pick up slack for something that doesn't need that, doesn't need the slack picked up.
Speaker 1:So in my case, with the shift event coming up, I was starting to get in this go, go, go, do, do, do and, to be honest, a bit of a stress mode around it and that pause that I had at, unfortunately, 5 am and that. But that beautiful message I got of I needed to remind you to lean on me and stop trying to do everything. Everything yourself was perfection. It was that reminder of Emily deep breath I got you and what's so fascinating to me is that I could hardly keep up with then, when I surrendered to that lean in energy. I could hardly keep up with the brilliant ideas it gave me to help sell tickets, help get more people in the room, help build up the hype, all that kind of stuff Like I literally have. Let me see one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven things on my action, next steps that were downloads at 5 am, of things that I can take as next steps that I had not even on my radar before. So this is how powerful this energy is.
Speaker 1:So my question to you, just to kind of give yourself a little bit of a pause here in the story is where are you holding it so tightly and where can you hold it more lightly? Okay, so, whether you just want to pause this and reflect on this now or journal on this later, or think on it when you're driving in the car, where are you holding it, holding on to it so tightly that you can allow yourself to hold on more lightly? Now it's like I love the example that my friend Jovi gave me years ago where she said and I know it's a little bit harder to kind of see here since this is an audio but she said you can hold a pen two ways. Well, I'm sure there's a million ways you can hold a pen, but two examples she gave was you could hold a pen, gripping it, with your palm facing downwards. Right, if you extend your arm and your palm's facing downwards, your knuckles are upwards, towards the ceiling. That's one way to hold a pen right. You grip it, hold on to it. I'm holding the pen. I'm holding the pen, I got it. I got it. I got it. Another way to hold the pen that takes less energy flip your hand around with your palm facing upwards. Open up your hand and the pen can just lay there in your hand. Right, you're still holding the pen, but you're not gripping it anymore. Same result less gripping.
Speaker 1:And so here's some additional messages that I received. One is when you think you're alone, you are never alone, and I just feel like oof. Someone out there today needed to hear that when you think you're alone, you are never alone, and that is the biggest lie that the ego tells us. It's the biggest turn away from the miracle, from the sunrise. Right, metaphorically speaking, it's like we turn our back to the light, and the minute you here's here's the irony of it is the minute that you think you are the most alone is most likely the exact moment when you are, when you have the most spiritual presence that you've had up until that point, because the universe never turns its back on us.
Speaker 1:In times of hardship, in fact, that's when the universe is truly there for us the most. It's kind of like a resource that as need well, not as needed it's always there for us. But I think of it kind of like you know, health care there's always doctors, there's always nurses available to me. In fact, now, thanks to modern day technology, I even have online doctors that I used just the other weekend when I had a tooth infection. Right, I have essentially 24-7 care available to me. And had I sat here on my couch on that Saturday night a few weekends ago whining about my toothache and saying, oh, this hurts so much, like like god, I wish there was someone that could help me that moment of pain. I have many, many ways that I can access help, support and healing, and I did Literally within a half hour I had a prescription, went up to the pharmacy, got my antibiotics and my tooth infection was cleared up in a couple days.
Speaker 1:So we have the universe on speed dial, but we just forget to pick up the phone sometimes, and additional messages that I received was this is not a test. And additional messages that I received was this is not a test and I think that's a bit of a I don't know. I feel like in this self-development world sometimes we can say like, oh, this is a test from the universe. And, yes, I'm sure I've said that before. I'm positive, I've said that before for myself myself. But in this download I got at 5 am, it was like this is not a test, this is life, this is expansion, this is growth.
Speaker 1:A test feels like a punishment. Test feels almost like that pop quiz back in high school that you that the teacher you know brought out of you out of nowhere, was like oh yeah, we're gonna do a little pop quiz just to see how everyone's doing. You know, everyone freaks out in the class because no one's prepared right, this is not a test, you are never being punished, you are always being guided. So that perspective shift of changing it to oh, this is my test, you know, this is my punishment or this is my, this is my like grind that I got to get through. What if this was expansion? Right, one of my favorite reframes is whenever I think that you know my, it's a setback for me. I shifted to. Oh my god, I'm so excited because this is my set up right.
Speaker 1:It reminds me of a couple years ago when we did the second shift event and we I did a whole podcast on this with Gina and you can scroll back to see. It's from about a year or so ago and we were struggling to sell tickets and we were lined up to lose tens of thousands of dollars on that event. And, long story short, in the 11th hour, you know, god showed up and we sold. You know we had a sold out event. It went incredible. We did not lose tens of thousands of dollars on it and it was amazing.
Speaker 1:But leading up to that, I remember sitting in my car one day and we were on the road, driving on a road trip heading out to the West Coast, and I had this kind of internal conversation where I said, like God, why are you making this so hard? And then I heard the reply where it said I had to give you this challenge so you could get the strength to rise to the level where I need you to be. And that moment changed everything for me. It was like, oh shit, like that was the resistance building and that was the weightlifting, so to speak. It was the rising up versus the falling down, and I did another podcast on this whole. You know, one step forward, two steps back, because that saying drives me nuts. It is never one step forward, two steps back. If anything, at the bare minimum, it's one step forward and I catch my breath, right.
Speaker 1:So a few last tidbits of 5am wisdom I want to pass on to you is and this one was like oh, this one struck me and I'll give credit to the meditation by my past coach, lenka Lutanska, because that activation meditation I was listening to from her. It's like you know, when you hear like I've listened to that, geez, I don't even know dozens and dozens of times, maybe even a hundred times by now, and you know when you've heard something over and over and over again, and then all of a sudden, something just like, like, just like strikes you and you're like, oh my God, like you hear it in a different way. That happened to me at 5 am and I shifted the language of it a little bit to more apply to me, but here's essentially the message Stop pretending you don't have everything you need to be, do and have to create your dreams. You have it all I'm waiting, oh, as soon. As she said in the activation meditation stop pretending you don't have everything you need. It was like that like, oh, like that punch to the gut, the good punch to the gut. I was like shit, I've been waiting on this external thing. I've been waiting on time, money, whatever it is. Another client to tell me I'm ready to feel enough, whatever it might be for you, but stop pretending.
Speaker 1:So another little pause for reflection for yourself is what are you pretending not to know? What are you pretending that you don't have? And what if that was all BS? And, last but not least, is there is no future, there is no past. I mean technically speaking, yes, okay, we could say there's a future and a past, but stay with me. There is no future, there is no past. All you ever have is right here, right now. So be her now. Because, when you think about it, everything exists in the present.
Speaker 1:And I remember Eckhart Tolle or Tolle, however you say his last name. I remember there was a podcast from him years ago that I listened to, where he first like it kind of maybe I'd heard it before, but it was my first like oh, my God, he's so right. Where he. He essentially said it in a very elegant way, but there is. There is nothing that we have besides the present moment at any given time, even five seconds ago. I can't get that back. All I have is now, all you have is now, and that you, that you're waiting on becoming or being or whatever all you have is right now. So if all we have is the present moment, that's the moment of decision, to be her, not tomorrow, not next week, not yesterday, not regrets from five years ago. This is the time to be her now, right. The best time was, you know, a minute ago. The next second best time is right now. So be her now, okay. So that is my message I wanted to share with you today.
Speaker 1:I just am so grateful to get to share this podcast with you. If you enjoyed it, please leave a review. I've been seeing some reviews come in lately, so thank you very much everyone for leaving a review. I appreciate it. And if you do want to check out the Shift event, like I said, it is epic, transformational, life-changing all the cliche words, because it is that good. Go to jointheshiftca there's a payment plan there, too. When go to jointheshiftca there's a payment plan there too, when you click to buy through afterpay. So if you did want a payment plan, you can do that as well. I hope to see you there and get to share the energy of the day with you on September 28th. And keep keep listening to the podcast in the meantime to get your boost of good vibes, and thanks for being here. Bye for now.