Money and Miracles with Emily King

[Ep 109] how my word of the year kicked my πŸ‘ + prompts for you

β€’ Emily King - Money Mindset Coach, TEDx Speaker, Business Coach, Money Expert

Ever felt like the world is shaping your life instead of you?

On the Money in Miracles podcast, we explore how to reclaim control as you prepare for a new year.

Discover the transformative power of choosing a word to anchor your intentions for 2024, just as the word "dream" unexpectedly chose me. I'll guide you through reflecting on the past year, setting inspiring yet realistic goals, and celebrating unacknowledged achievements.

Join me as I share personal stories of growth and unexpected success, including launching a course and embracing the journey of motherhood.

With a new baby on the horizon, I discuss the importance of releasing self-imposed pressures and welcoming the creative flow of life's changing seasons.

Together, we'll reflect on 2024 and look forward to a prosperous 2025 filled with abundance and personal growth.

+ as a special little bonus, we pull a card from my Money in Miracles oracle card deck!


Get the replay of the Plan Your Best Year Yet workshop.

Purchase the Money & Miracle Oracle Cards here. 

Speaker 1:

Are you someone who typically does like a little check-in and reflection of the past year and some envisioning and goal setting for the upcoming year, or are you just kind of like I'm going to figure it out as it comes? Well, today's the episode for you if you're wanting to be more intentional with going into the new year with perhaps a word of the year, some nice reflection questions that you can take and run with it and journal on, and also we'll pull a little oracle card from my Money in Miracles oracle card deck just to see what guidance we get today. So let's have some fun. Hello and welcome to the Money in Miracles podcast with me, emily King.

Speaker 1:

We call ourselves Rich Woman over here because we are all about living the rich woman life inside and out. We take the taboo out of talking money and we say yes to our desires, and each week I'll be bringing you a dose of money, mindset and relatable life stories so you can go out into the world and live your best freaking life. Let's do this Rich Woman and live your best freaking life. Let's do this rich woman. Welcome back. Or, if it's your first time being here, thank you for joining for the first time ever. You are in for a treat, because one of my favorite things to do is to reflect on a year, figure out you know what lessons I had, what growth I had, and then really get intentional for the new year. Now some of you out there might have this little like hunch or like feeling of dread might be too big of a stretch of a word, but like kind of like this, what I call goal fatigue, of like I've set goals before they haven't come true or they didn't, you know, come to fruition. So you kind of have this like already kind of sense of disappointment going into this intention setting and to that I say screw it, you know, like let's just let that go, because I like to say if you don't get intentional and if you don't declare who you are, what you want in this life, the world is going to do it for you just by default.

Speaker 1:

Like all of us live fairly full lives. I don't like using the word busy, but you know, maybe you use the word busy. Live a busy life, a full life, like the days are full, right, most of us are not waking up in the morning and then sitting back on the couch all day with a book and a cup of coffee and, you know, chilling all day. We have full lives, we have activities, we have work commitments, we have you know it could be child care, stuff on the go, like all, all sorts of things, and so it's so important to be intentional. So if you have that goal, fatigue or that sense of like setting yourself up for disappointment, just kind of set that to the side for now and give yourself permission to be intentional, to dream and go. You know what, screw it, I'm gonna like. I'm gonna just give this a go. If I hit it, great. If I don't, that's okay too, because, as I'm going to share in this episode, it's how my intentions for this year or this yeah, this current year we're still in 2024, kind of kicked my ass and gave me what I needed, not necessarily what I wanted.

Speaker 1:

So let me back up and just start by sharing about word of the year. Myself and Gina hosted a plan your best year yet workshop the other week and I'll link it up below because it was a phenomenal two hour workshop that you can get the replay to, where you can go like 10 steps deeper with what I'm going to share with you on the podcast today. But to my surprise it was kind of 50-50 on the workshop who showed up live of people who have had a word of the year and people who haven't. And I've been choosing a word of the year for oh God, I would say at least 10 years now, if not more, and it's really anchored me in to that intention and so, if nothing else, perhaps just giving yourself a word of the year can be huge for you if you've never done any sort of intention setting. Is can be huge for you if you've never done any sort of intention setting. And so how you do a word of the year and we get into it in the workshop is it's very intuitive.

Speaker 1:

And you know my good friend Estelle, she used to say sometimes the word picks you. You know, and I've had that occur in certain years where I go about it and I'm trying to figure out what my word of the year is Is it going to be joy, is it going to be believe, is it going to be adventure? And then it kind of smacks me in the face of. I remember one year my word was self-compassion and I resisted it. It was like self-compassion and when you look up the actual definition of self-compassion. It actually means to sit with in suffering, and I was like ugh, sit with in suffering. I don't want to be sitting with myself in suffering. But boy, oh boy, did I need that word of the year.

Speaker 1:

And so in the workshop, we guide you through the process of picking your word of the year, and my word of 2024 was dream. I know it might sound a little cheesy, but I'll tell you how I got there. I had been kind of sitting with what my word of the year would be for 2024 early in the year and nothing was really landing. And then I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting on my couch in the basement doing some journaling and all of a sudden that word dream came to me and I knew it was my word, even though I kind of resisted it because I was like well, that's kind of cheesy, like dream, you know, might as well paint it on my wall, but um, but I knew it was my word because I instantly started to cry and it was like I connected with this part of myself that had been dormant for a little while and felt that needed to come out again. So back in 2015, when I started to get into this coaching thing and started to take some coaching courses and that kind of stuff.

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Dreaming really got me to where I am today, like dreaming big, going for the audacious, going for the wild, like going for you know what? What if I could retire myself from my nine to five? What if I can make a hundred thousand dollars plus in a year with my business? What if I could have time freedom? What if I could buy the dream home? What if I could travel first class? And I put it all out there? And it all happened. And then some like beyond that, and I had kind of felt like I had gotten, I guess, to put it critically lazy with my dreaming, like I just had kind of settled. And so when that word dream came to me, it was like this spark of life came back within me and I knew that was it.

Speaker 1:

So how my word of the year kind of kicked my ass was, to my surprise, I actually had a huge, huge, huge lesson this year and release in shame. So how? How did I end up having this huge lesson in shame when my word was dream? Well, I wanted to dream big again. That was what I felt was one of my strengths for many years was dreaming big, envisioning and going for the big, audacious goals and getting them. And I had felt that in the last year or two I had kind of been a bit stagnant. I guess, if you will Not really gone for big, audacious things and you know these huge goals, I just kind of like been humming along type thing. And to my surprise I realized in the spring of this year that I had a lot of shame around that. So I've talked about this before in the podcast, but if you're new around here, when I had my first daughter three years ago, I ended up getting or experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety. It was such a powerful experience in resilience, in compassion, in letting go. There's so many lessons and I've done past podcasts on it so you can go back and listen to them.

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But having said all that, I didn't realize that there was one piece of that puzzle, if you will, that I hadn't looked at, I hadn't healed, I hadn't and I don't even want to say healed, because it's not like there was something I had to fix but I had kind of turned a blind eye to. Which was this shame piece? This piece of you used to do that and you used to do this and your business used to look like that and Ooh, emily, you haven't done that in a little while, and I had huge shame around that. I had huge attachment to my worth as a person and especially as a business owner, tied to my financial success of my business. Success of my business and in full, open transparency, my business isn't hitting the sales revenue numbers that it was a few years ago. But here's the thing and I kind of like say that and that old part of me is like like that little bit of cringe but I can say that out loud now because I don't have shame around this and this was a huge lesson that I want to share that I feel all of us can relate to, which is success looks different based on the season you're in, and I hadn't given myself permission to be in the season I was in and redefine what success meant to me, because some wonderful things had happened.

Speaker 1:

I realized this year that we had built up our savings and our investments and all that kind of stuff. So, technically, technically speaking, if I don't want to work another day in my life, I don't have to. We are good to still pay for our mortgage, still live the lifestyle that we have, like we wouldn't even have to like cut corners and be like, ooh, we got to sell our car or whatever. Like I'm good if I don't work another day in my life, financially speaking. Now do I want to do that? No, I love what I do, so I want to keep showing up. And so, like I had that huge success, even though I technically wasn't bringing in as much as I had in the past, and I allowed myself to really slow down and be okay with that, be okay with redefining success as being in the pause. And so what does this have to do? How does this circle back to dream?

Speaker 1:

So the irony of it all was, I thought, going into this year that we're now wrapping up, that this word dream would get me back to my old self and maybe you can relate to like maybe there's a past version of you. Were like, oh, I want to get back to her again, you know. And it's like let's stop comparing ourselves with who we used to be and look in the mirror now at ourselves and be like I freaking love her and I'm not going to compare her against any anyone else, especially my past self to try to improve her, to try to make her better, and so it was this moment of like I am where I am, I love where I am, I appreciate where I am. This season of my life looks different, and I got pregnant this year as well, which I'm obviously extremely grateful for, and that also put me in a season of rest, recoup to nurture, nourish myself, all that kind of stuff. And so this whole dream thing that I thought I was going into of like, okay, I got to dream big and go after these huge goals and then I'll be successful, and then you know I'll, I'll feel good again about myself. I was like screw that.

Speaker 1:

And I started with small steps. You know, I like to say think big, do small. I started with small steps. You know, I like to say think big, do small. We think that in order to have an extraordinary life, in order to have a rich life, we got to think big and do big. Right, and the whole lesson was yeah, I can think big and have these big dreams and I'm going to do small.

Speaker 1:

So I remember I was launching this course that I've done in the past the 40 day prosperity program and I actually set what my past self would would uh, you know, shame, like, oh, you're only setting that far. You know, I I think I said it at like I'd like I'd love to have 10 people enrolled in this course. And past me was like what you know, I think I said it at like I'd love to have 10 people enrolled in this course. And past me was like what you know, you should go for 50 people or 60 people. And I was like no, no, no, I'm good with 10. Like, I'm good where I am. I'm good with, like, starting small, doing small, getting back into the energy and that being okay, not needing to go for these you know grand slam goals. And I ended up having more than 20 people enroll for that course at the time and I was so freaking happy and we had so much fun, got so many amazing results. I freaking loved it.

Speaker 1:

And so this year has ended up being a year of, like, pause, reflection and, I'll say, baby steps, even though my word of the year was dream. So if you've had a word of this year, take some time to reflect on like, what were the lessons of your word of the year? How did you grow with that word of the year? How did? How did you align or even misalign with it in a good way? You know, kind of have some resistance to it. And what was the lesson there for you? And if you don't have a word of the year for 2025 yet, this is your call, this is your sign to start to lean into that. And, once again, like I said earlier, sometimes the word is going to choose you. Sometimes you might have some resistance to it and be like, no, I don't want that word, that one's boring or that one's not fun, or you know, and maybe that's what you need, right? So, and you don't have to rush the process, you don't have to sit down and figure out your word in 10 minutes. Sometimes that happens. That happened for me for this upcoming year and I'm going to share what my word for 2025 is in just a moment, and sometimes it takes weeks, like it did for me this this current year. So, yeah, that was, that was my word of. 2024 was dream.

Speaker 1:

The lesson I got from it was success looks different based on the season you're in, and I had a huge release in shame, in being okay with where I was and am, and ironically well, not actually, no, not ironically is what you would expect is in releasing that shame, releasing that voicing you should be here, you should be there, you should have gotten this result. You should be growing, blah, blah, blah. Like every business needs to keep growing and growing, growing. Because here's just to give you a little backup like for years I had grown, I had doubled my revenue year over year over year. So I had kind of set that Um set point for myself of like all right, we grow every year and if you're not growing, emily, then you're failing, then you're a disappointment, then you must be doing something wrong and really redefining that for myself. And, like I said, understanding that success is going to look different during different times in my life and different seasons, and so I know now going like I'm less than two weeks away from having my baby and so it's really liberating to take that pressure off myself of I have to show up, I have to do this like I'm going to record some podcasts and have them going while I'm off for a little bit on that leave and I don't know, maybe I'll feel inclined to show up and grow and have creative kind of flow running through me, or maybe I'll just feel like cocooning for a little bit, and that's okay. Okay, so we're going to pause for a moment.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to give you some journal slash reflection. Questions Two, in particular, that we shared in the plan your best year yet workshop. Two, in particular, that we shared in the plan your best year yet workshop, which, by the way, once again, I'm going to link up in the show notes. But one question is how did I grow in 2024? So you can take that and ponder on it if you're up for a drive or for a walk how did I grow in 2024?

Speaker 1:

And the second question is and I love this one, love it, love it, love it is reflecting back on 2024, what can I acknowledge and appreciate about myself that I might not have acknowledged yet? So what I love about that question is it really allows you to be extra kind to yourself, extra, loving, extra. It's like taking that angle of like a best friend. What would a best friend say to you about how awesome you've been this year, about the growth you've had? And something like just to give you my, one of my own answers was, reflecting back on this year. What can I acknowledge and appreciate about myself that I wouldn't have otherwise acknowledged? Is I'm a really great mom. Right, I'm going to own that. I think, as moms in particular, we can be hard on ourselves and feel guilt and all that kind of stuff. And I'm going to own I did a damn good job. I'm doing a damn good job and I'm really proud of myself.

Speaker 1:

And had I not taken that pause, I wouldn't have acknowledged that about myself. I would have just kept going and been like, oh, I should do this with Zoe and I should be enrolling her in this and you know all that kind of stuff. And it's like, no, I'm doing a really damn good job, I'm really proud of myself. So those are two reflection questions for yourself that you can take. And if you want to go deeper into that workshop, you can get it in the show notes for the Plan your Best Year Yet workshop.

Speaker 1:

So now let's pivot and let's go into 2025. And my word for 2025 is brave. And instantly I knew I was like that is my word, because when I reflected on 2024, when I reflected on 2024, I realized and this is not to shit on myself, but I realized that I really stayed safe. And once again, coming back to that lesson of like be in the season that you're in and, you know, love it and I'm okay with the season I have been in of like kind of coasting I guess. Yes, I did, you know a massive shift event where some of you might be like but Emily, you did an event with like 100 people there. Like, isn't that growth? That for me is like safe zone.

Speaker 1:

I'm at the point now in my business and career where I have established that audience and rapport and all that kind of stuff. So if I do do events, I can get numbers like that. What would have stretched me would have been an event with like 200 people or 300 people. That would have been a stretch. And like there wasn't really anything new I offered this year. There wasn't anything that I really pushed myself into this past year and once again, that's okay and I know for this upcoming year that brave is that word that I want to lean into.

Speaker 1:

It's like, do the brave thing. I'm ready to get uncomfortable. You know, a saying that I have on one of my Oracle cards is I love getting uncomfortable because that's where growth happens right. Like right now, literally, I'm uncomfortable in my body at 37 weeks pregnant because like there's a giant basketball in my belly. It's uncomfortable Um, and I'm growing a human and there's huge growth that's about to be birthed, literally and figuratively speaking. And so, leaning into that discomfort, leaning into that bravery and the opportunity to fail right If you're not willing to fail, you're not willing to succeed is what I believe, and I'm ready. I'm ready to fail forward. I'm ready to have faith forward. I'm ready to do more scary things this upcoming year. What that's going to look like, I have no idea. I'm sure that word of the year is going to kick my ass this upcoming year and I'm ready for it. So, yeah, I'd be curious to know if you're listening to this podcast you can write me on Instagram or send me an email at emilykingca of what are you feeling your word is going to be. And in the workshop, the plan, your best year yet workshop we get into that word and giving you some time and space to reflect on what your word could be. So if you need some support with that, then grab the workshop.

Speaker 1:

So some questions to help you as you go forward into 2025. To reflect on now is one in particular who do I need to be in 2025 to achieve these goals? Like when you have that moment to reflect on. Here's what I desire. Here's kind of what I'm envisioning. Who do I need to be to achieve that? And I came across something I wrote down. I don't know who said it because I didn't have any. You know anyone's name written there, but I'm sure it wasn't me.

Speaker 1:

Energy creates matter, not matter creates energy. Create the matter, ie the external circumstances, possessions, all that kind of stuff versus the matter creating the energy. So just remember that energy creates matter, not matter creates energy. And so who do you need to be as you go into this? And what decisions does she make? What does she tell herself?

Speaker 1:

You know, in my case, with this word brave, that's going to show up a lot Like, okay, if, say, I have some ideas for some new programs and that kind of stuff in the new year, and I know past me might be like, ooh, like what if nobody buys? And like what if it's a flop and if people don't enjoy it? Blah, blah, blah. Brave me. Who does she need to be? What does she think she doesn't like? Not that she doesn't give a shit, but like she does it anyway. She's excited about this growth, she's excited about this becoming, she's excited about this opportunity. She's excited about this opportunity and she embraces the potential of failure because she's proud of herself for having moved forward and done the thing, versus sat on it for months, if not years.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so who do you need to be? And I'm going to give you one more question to sit with, which is this what do I want? And I'm going to give you a quote to go along with that, the quote from the book 10X is easier than 2X by Dan Sullivan. So Dan says an obvious challenge people face is that they don't know what they want. They're far too busy justifying what they think they need. They haven't learned to be brutally honest with themselves and others. They're still living in fear. Learning to clarify what you want without justification or apology is vital to going 10x, since 10x is based on want, not need. Now there's something I want to highlight from that quote. That passage from his book is learning to clarify what you want without justification or apology is vital. That is huge. So take that of like what do I want without justification or apology? That is huge, because so often we write down or we think or we go after what we want, based on, on a very unconscious level, what we think is kind of allowed right, what we could do without too much judgment or justification and that kind of stuff. So I'm leaving you with this question is what do you want? What do you want without justification or apology? That's a powerful question to ask yourself as you go into the new year.

Speaker 1:

And last but not least, let's pull an oracle card from my oracle card deck and see what guidance we get. Okay, pause this recording for a second, just to go shuffle the deck and pull a card. And I swear to God, I did not rig this deck, I didn't pick this intentionally, I just picked one at random. And how freaking perfect is this card? I'm gonna read out what it says on the front and I'm gonna read out the description on the back. It says I am not my past. I forgive myself and release money stories that do not support me, like how freaking on point for this podcast episode. And you can change money stories, just stories in general. I am not my past, I forgive myself and release stories that do not support me. So I'll read out the description on the back and then we'll wrap it up and call it a day.

Speaker 1:

It says it's hard to make money when you're telling yourself you're doing it wrong, you've made too many mistakes or it's quote too late for you. You didn't screw it up. You haven't made mistakes. You are not your past. You're doing the best you can right now and that is enough. What is a new money story and I'm going to interject here and say or just story in general, that you want to embody what is working in your life? A part of your forgiveness journey is being able to thank the past for what it has given you. The challenges and hardships you faced in the past can offer you guidance and wisdom. Place your hand on your heart, take a deep breath in and say to yourself I forgive myself and release money stories that do not support me. Ah, how perfect was that. Well, there you go, my friends.

Speaker 1:

A lovely Oracle card to wrap us up. If you wanted to get one of my Money Miracle Oracle Cards decks, I only have a couple decks left, so if you go to the link and it says that they're sold out, stay tuned. I'm going to restock them in the new year, but I just have a couple left. If you want to go grab yourself one, you can do that now and there's free shipping as a little promo for this month and just kind of clearing out our final stock so you can go grab one. I'll link that up.

Speaker 1:

It's right on my website. It's at emilykingca, right on my homepage. You just scroll down on my homepage and you'll see the link to get your Oracle cards. So there you have it. I hope that 2024, I don't want to say has been a great year, because sometimes they're not great years, but I hope that you've gotten what you needed out of 2024. And I'm sending you all the love, all the blessings, all the cheering you on for a great year ahead, for a prosperous, abundant, growth-filled 2025. Thank you for being here, I love you and bye for now.

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